Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Importance of Servicing Your Vehicle

As drivers, we each carry certain responsibilities. We ensure we adhere to the road rules, provide courtesy to fellow motorists and, importantly, put safety first – and this includes ensuring that your vehicle is in roadworthy condition.

It is essential that we all know how to check air pressure and keep an eye on our engine oil levels, but cars are complex pieces of machinery that need to be regularly maintained by an experienced professional. Without correct maintenance, your car is a potentially dangerous machine. In addition, regular servicing can save you a lot of money long-term.

1) New car warranty protection
Here are a few more reasons why regular servicing of your vehicle is absolutely essential.
All new cars come with a warranty. However, these warranties are only valid if the service requirements of the vehicle are met.
Service requirements of individual vehicles vary depending on the manufacturer’s specifications (outlined in your vehicle owner's manual). While it is true that new vehicles should be more reliable than older vehicles, you cannot assume that this means they do not require regular servicing. New car warranties require regular and specific servicing, and not adhering to these conditions (such as having your service carried out by qualified staff, according to the manufacturers’ specifications, and using genuine or appropriate quality parts where required) may void your warranty. Over time, this could be a very expensive mistake!

2) Save on gas
Cars are complex pieces of machinery, and small changes can often result in a large impact on a vehicle’s performance. These changes are inevitable over time due to natural wear and tear, but regular servicing can ensure that these changes are addressed before they become significant. Natural wear and tear can lead to a gradual but significant loss of efficiency, resulting in your car using more and more fuel to travel the same distance.
Regularly servicing your car will mean fewer visits to the gas station and leave more money in your bank account – for a new pair of shoes or a carton of beer!

3) Prolong the life of your tires
Minor and major services should always include a tire rotation and balance. This involves moving the rear tires to the front of the vehicle, and the front tires to the rear. The front tires should be balanced to prevent vibration at high speeds.
Tyre rotation is essential to not only ensuring you always have the best tyres on the front for safety purposes, but will also increase the longevity of your tyres by evening out their wear. Tyres aren’t a cheap investment, so you really want to maximise their lifespan with regular rotation!

4) Ensuring safety for you and your family – and others
Every day we buckle up automatically, without remembering that we are behind the wheel of a potentially lethal machine. Sometimes we need to take a breath and reflect on our responsibilities as drivers - these extend not only to the manner in which you conduct yourself on the roads, but also to maintaining the condition of your car. Poorly maintained vehicles significantly increase the risk of serious accidents, and while there are a number of things that you can do yourself to keep your car in good condition, these should be seen as a supplement to a professional service and not a substitute. Regular servicing by an experienced and qualified mechanic will ensure that you have done everything within your power to ensure the safety of your family and fellow motorists.

5) Prevent breakdowns
A car is similar to the human body. Unless it receives enough of the right fluids, it will break down. But your car doesn’t just need fluid - it needs clean fluid to run at its peak performance.
It is amazing how many breakdowns could have been avoided with simple and regular car maintenance. That seems obvious, however it is common to see a car stranded on the side of the road with the owner impatiently waiting for assistance.
Many breakdowns are not related to the fact that today’s car engines are more complex or involve sophisticated components – a large number of cars still break down today because fluids are allowed to reach low levels or simple repairs are not taken care of in a timely manner. Regular servicing can pick up any irregularities and ensure there are no safety requirements that could develop into a problem – such as worn brakes, shock absorbers or tyres, oil and coolant leaks or worn wheel bearings.
Regular servicing will ensure the most basic functions of your vehicle are maintained, and the general checkover of all vehicle components will ensure that any visible issues will be reported before they cause you a problem.

6) Preserving the resale value of your vehicle
How many times do we hear about how much our vehicles drop in value the minute we drive off lot? This doesn’t have to be the case! No matter how long you have your car for, you will almost certainly want to sell it in the future. A complete, regular service history will make your vehicle much more attractive to prospective buyers, and you not only find it easier to sell but will most certainly receive a higher price if you have looked after it properly.

Call us today to schedule your service 

Mel Leyshon: